Jonny Gamble joined the Guernsey Finance Business Development team in May as its dedicated US Representative. With a few months under his belt, Jonny attends two important events, SuperReturn Funds conference and New York Climate Week


Before undertaking my first trip as the US representative for Guernsey Finance (‘We are Guernsey’), to SuperReturn Funds US 2022 Conferences I undertook some research to be as fully informed as I could be.

I met with a number of leading service providers across Funds and Private Wealth as well as liaising with Tony Lane, from Carey Olsen Guernsey and John Grundy, representing Northern Trust Guernsey, who joined me on this trip. Prior to our arrival, we reached out to a number of fund formation lawyers to meet and collate their views on Guernsey.

 On the first day, we attended the Private Credit and Energy Forums. Agendas were full, with subject matters ranging from current market conditions and outlook for private credit including review of risk and return, through perspective of limited partners (LPs), best practice and business models amongst a vast number of sessions held on Private Credit.

The Energy Forum ran an equally large number of sessions on matters ranging from reviewing renewables, traditional energy versus sustainable, natural resources, innovation, sourcing and security.

 On Tuesday and Wednesday the focus shifted to the SuperReturn North American Forum. The format was the same as Monday, with a vast array of conference sessions, interspersed with networking opportunities at breakfast, coffee breaks and lunch.

Subject matters ranged from a review of the macroeconomic picture, the outlook for private debt, private equity and venture capital, sourcing, strategies, ESG, LPs and GPs views through to discussions on secondaries, raising money, impact investing, innovation, technology, ESG, diversity, co-investment and the democratisation of PE.

WE ARE GUERNSEY sponsored two networking opportunities, a drinks event attended by more than 400 delegates, and a breakfast for GPs which was also well received.

I also attended New York Climate Week, now in its 14th year. The event brings together the most influential leaders in climate action from business, government, and the climate community, in conjunction with the United Nations General Assembly and the City of New York, creating an ambitious platform to drive climate action.

The themes centred on Getting It Done, through celebrating climate action, challenging attendees to do more, and exploring ways to increase ambition. The opportunity to promote Guernsey as a leading sustainable finance jurisdiction came through various events and seminars as well as the numerous networking sessions which took place over the five days.

Finally, I’d love to hear from anyone in the Guernsey financial sectors who is heading to the US, and wants some insights, or assistance on BD in the US.

In the meantime, I wish you all safe travels. A la perchoine and have a nice day now!